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Welcome to Specs-By-Post Website!
If you are an existing customer visiting our new look Website for the first time since July 2020, you can still login to your old account by using your email address but will be prompted to reset the password for security purposes (an email will be sent to you, please check your JUNK or SPAM box of you cannot see it).
If you want to contact us you can either email (registrations@specs-by-post.com) or call (01709 769402) we will be happy to help!
NORMAL BUSINESS HURS MON-FRI 9am-5pm (closed weeksnds & Bank Holidays)
15/05/24-We regret to advise that we no longer ship to Spain and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We understand this is disappointing and the decision has not come easily, but having considered different factors involved such as long delays & losses, we have been left with no other option!